Monday, April 21, 2014

Difference Between a Commercial and Propaganda

A commercial is a t.v. or radio advertisement intended to make a profit whereas propaganda is information used to promote or publicize a particular point of view, typically political.

An example of a commercial is a Ford F-150 t.v. advertisement. During a t.v. advertisement, they are trying to sell you their truck. They want to make their truck stand out from the rest and be so irresistible that you have to go out tomorrow and look for their truck!

A classic example of propaganda is posters of Uncle Sam trying to recruit U.S. soldiers for the war. These posters are propaganda and not commercial because they are not trying to sell a product, they are trying to sell a point of view, or convey a political message.

After comparing the two definitions with examples, it is clear to me the difference between the two meanings. It is also clear to me how the two could be confused. I think the best way to look at the two definitions is by defining them with examples. 

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