Monday, April 28, 2014

5 Artists in different music genres


In the electronic genre of music, I would add the dutch duo the Bingo Players. They are a modern electronic band who I got to see at DayGlow 2012 in Tampa. The song that I like the most, and think represents them the best is called "Rattle."

Girl Power

The artist that I would add to the girl power genre, is Miranda Lambert. She is a country artist, which you do not have many country songs in the music section. For anyone who listens to country knows that Miranda Lambert is an icon for women. She is a strong, powerful, independent woman. Her attitude shows through her music and influences many women around the world, including me. She's my favorite female artist and I had the pleasure of seeing her perform as well. Some of her most influencial songs include "Kerosene" and "Mama's Broken Heart."


I think that the band Red Hot Chili Peppers should be added to this genre because they are a very popular 90s rock bands. They also influenced a wave of new "hippies." I love this band, however when someone thinks about this band, they also have a certain group of people who they would image listen to this music. This is what any band wants, is to influence people. They were able to reach out and influence a new revolution of people. Their most famous song is "Under the Bridge" for several reasons, one of them being the emotional meaning behind the song.


Bassnectar is the artist that I would add to the dub step genre. This band, just like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, influences a large population. They created a new wave of people who like to go out and rave. Bassnectar was formed out of San Francisco, and is known for his DJing and light shows. Their most popular song is "Bass Head." This song was said to be the song that started the dub step in the United States.


The artist that I would think belongs in the Industrial/Gothic genre is Marilyn Manson. He is a very different character, however I grew up listening to some of his songs with my parents. The song that most people know if for is "Beautiful People." This song has so much meaning behind it looking back at it now. I still enjoy the song if I'm in the mood for it.

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